lunes, febrero 18, 2008

. Encyclopaedia Britannica: "Burke", Vol. 4, p. 419.

Con referencia a mi entrada de hoy sobre Medvedev y Putin, me permito reproducir esta excelente —y escalofriante— definición de Edmund Burke, que encontré en mi inseparable Encyclopaedia Britannica de 1951 (*): "There is a sacred veil to be drawn over the beginnings of all government". Más claro imposible.

(*) Esta edición contiene el artículo "Capitalism" por Joseph Schumpeter: un lujo. Un tío mío decía que es imposible vivir sin la Encyclopaedia Britannica. Coincido plenamente.

2 comentarios:

Nicolás Patrici (BRIDGES-LAC) dijo...

Y si la seguís un poco más -la cita- los pelos se te ponen de punta:

"Ours in India had an origin like those which time has sanctified by obscurity. Time, in the origin of most governments, has thrown this mysterious veil over them; prudence and discretion make it necessary to throw something of the same drapery over more recent foundations, in which otherwise the fortune, the genius, the talents, and military virtue of this nation never shone more conspicuously. But whatever necessity might hide or excuse or palliate, in the acquisition of power, a wise nation, when it has once made a revolution upon its own principles and for its own ends, rests there. The first step to empire is revolution, by which power is conferred; the next is good laws, good order, good institutions, to give that power stability". EB. SPEACH ON THE IMPACT OF THE IMPECHMENT OF WARREN HASTINGS (1788)


Agustin dijo...

Impresionante!!! Donde lo conseguiste??